Category Archives: healthy living

Foot Levelers Blue Ridge – Just in!!

I just received notification that a new coupon code is available in honor of CyberMonday!  Now is the time to sign up and take advantage of this incredible discount. 

Click here to register and save 20% on either the Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, or Double Marathon using discount code CYBERMONBRM. This code expires on Wednesday, November 30, 2016!  Don’t miss out on this amazing deal.  

Breaking News! This is the last day to enter 1st giveaway & Price Increase!

Breaking news – straight from the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon Headquarters!


Price increases  November 7th at Midnight!!

(Discount code does NOT expire, but the price for the race does increase from time-to-time, as with other races)


Also, this is the last day to enter my first giveaway – so head on over to for additional details and make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.  Also, to earn an extra entry into the giveaway shoot a copy of your race confirmation to me at

Good luck to everyone!


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Official Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Blogger here!


Friends and family, I am ecstatic to announce that I have been chosen by the Roanoke Outside Foundation to be an Ambassador for the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge race series. This race series consists of four race distances to choose from which include the 10K, Half, Full Marathon, and Double.

(Pictured below is the famous Roanoke Star that you will see when you reach top of Mill Mountain.  You will have the honor of seeing this beauty up close and personal regardless of which course you pick!)image3


Not only is this popular race known for it’s beautiful scenery, but it is famously known as one of the world’s TOUGHEST Marathons! In an article published on March 22, 2013, this race was ranked as the 8th toughest Marathon because “there is more than 7200 feet of elevation change over 26.2 miles” and it ranked #1 in “The World’s 13 Toughest Half Marathons” in an article which was written on August 24, 2014 by Carissa Liebowitz.



Next year’s race is scheduled forApril 22nd and will offer four (4) race distances– a 10k, half marathon, full marathon, and a double to choose from! Every runner gets **FREE** photos, a finisher medal, farm to feet socks, complimentary beer ticket, and live music at the finish! Folks that register by 3/20/2017 will also get a really cool shirt! (Trust me this WILL become your favorite race shirt!) J


image2Not every race shirt says, “You Run Hills I RUN MOUNTAINS”, but pictured above is the 2016 shirt that runners received with their 2016 registration fee!  


Without question easily one can see why any of the distances offered in this challenging course is a bucket list race for runners everywhere and this is one you should NOT miss!

My goal as an ambassador for the Blue Ridge race series is to answer any questions you have, share my experiences in training and preparations for the upcoming race day, and to run a few contests in order to offer some really cool prizes between now and race day. So stay tuned and get ready to have some fun!!



Also, I have a discount code good for 15% off of this AWESOME race registration fee! Let me know when you are ready for it!!

Make sure you follow me for updates, contest details, and additional information:


Twitter / Instagram: @Healthsmygame





#brm26pt2 #runblueridge






the secret to getting healthy and staying healthy

i found the secret to getting healthy and staying healthy!

Recently I was visiting with my aunt and uncle while out of town for a conference. It was a nice visit as I was able to relax and just chat with them. I love coming from a big family – there is never a dull moment, there’s always so much going on, and plenty to talk about. Just like with any other family, we’ve endured some heart breaks through the years, but at the same time we have been gifted many blessings.

Shortly before I left their home I discovered a little plaque hanging that so intrigued me and being the crazy chick I am I grabbed my battery-drained phone and snapped a photo of it just before the battery gave. I caught my aunt watching me as if to say, “What are you doing?” so I quickly stated, “I love that. It is so neat”. Then my aunt proceeded to tell me the story behind it and in an instant this sentimental gal took an even greater liking to it.

Shortly later we said our “Good-byes” and I was on the road driving the couple of hours home. As I was driving I found myself still thinking about that plaque when all of a sudden it dawned on me the little plaque hanging up in my aunt’s house is the secret to weight loss, the secret to getting healthy – that plaque provides the answer to the success that we all dream of and so I feel I must share it with you! J

So as you’re sitting on the edge of your seat read on so that you can discover the secret to successfully reaching your goal to a healthy weight and lifestyle.

The secret to ultimately setting out for that goal and succeeding this time is YAGOTTAWANNA! That’s it…..

YAGOTTAWANNA do whatever it takes

YAGOTTAWANNA love yourself

YAGOTTAWANNA stick with it even when your weight fluctuates

YAGOTTAWANNA learn what works for you and your body and when it doesn’t work or it quits working YAGOTTAWANNA keep searching for what does work

YAGOTTAWANNA accept you are human and will make bad choices from time-to-time. Don’t dwell on the mistakes. Forgive yourself and move on. J


YAGOTTAWANNA change some of the things you eat


YAGOTTAWANNA drink more water

YAGOTTAWANNA succeed more than you are willing to fail

YAGOTTAWANNA love yourself

YAGOTTAWANNA do it because it’s good for you


I’m not saying it will be easy, but YAGOTTAWANNA in order to succeed!



You’re finally going to do it!! You are finally going to meet your weight loss goal.

So you’re going to finally do it – you are going to get healthy and lose weight!  If you’re like most people this isn’t the first time you have made this decision, is it? So let’s make this time different. Ready?

First things first, you have to decide it’s all about “getting healthy”. You need to decide the scale does not matter. Technically what size pair of jeans you wear is meaningless. That’s right this is not about what the scale says or whether you look hot and sexy. You see I discovered over the course of 933 days that when I focused on achieving a long-term healthy lifestyle that I no longer felt defeated by the scale.  Let’s face it – living in this busy, crazy world that can be extra stressful at times the number on the scale fluctuates from time-to-time – especially for us ladies with the whole water weight business.  Once you decide this journey is about getting healthy-4-life though it sure makes the fluctuating numbers a lot easier to accept.  Plus in most cases, when you begin to focus on getting healthy you begin to make smarter, healthier choices which results in weight loss!!  Bingo! You begin to win the game of weight loss just by changing your focus a little.

Secondly, whether you are thinking about exercise or food you MUST decide what you can live with for the rest of your life. You see chances are whatever avenue you choose to pursue in order to reach your “health” goal will be the same (or close to the same avenue) you use to maintain your new healthy lifestyle.  This is why diets don’t work. A diet is thought of as a temporary restriction to small amounts of food in order to lose weight. Remember — your focus is long-term health now and in most cases when you make small changes in your life to achieve “long-term health” the weight loss will follow. So, decide what you can live with for the remainder of your life.  For instance, I chose to follow the Weight Watchers “points” system because it was a plan that I felt would work for me. A typical day of food for me is, as follows:


* Greek yogurt with fruit


* Veggie omelet with grapes on side


* a lunch baggie of favorite veggies: sweet peppers, sugar snap peas, kale, cucumbers, mushrooms, and carrots

* a Tupperware of favorite fruit:grapes, oranges, apples, mango, blueberries, and kiwi.

* hard-boiled eggs and tuna or maybe a protein shake.


* this is my favorite meal – so I usually saved most of my points for dinner. Usually something like grilled chicken or salmon, green beans, apple sauce, and maybe risotto.

Since I’m not a veggie lover though I had to pick veggies I could deal with. Notice how many of them are sweet or sugary veggies. You can sort of see where my weaknesses lie :). The point is I picked a plan that I felt I would work for me and that I could live with for the remainder of my life.

Lastly, my recommendation is to surround yourself with a good support system. In my case, I was surrounded by support consistently. My family and friends have been amazing – the absolute best and I am so thankful for them; however, I also surrounded myself with folks online that would be a great support for me. I followed folks on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that I felt would be a good resource to me. It is very helpful to surround yourself around supportive, positive people and those with similar goals to yours.

Hopefully some of these suggestions will be helpful in you reaching your goals. Remember YOU can do it!  Never quit, keep going and you will achieve your goal to long-term health.  The most important thing is don’t give up!

For extra support follow me on Twitter at:, or on Instagram at:  Register for a free membership on the Beachbody website:

Get your ENERGYbits, RECOVERYbits, SKINNYbits, VITALITYbits at and get 20% discount with promo code: HEALTHISMYGAME.

#healthismygame #health4life #health #healthychoices #poweredbybits #fit #happy #blessed #alive #makingitwork